Friday, August 28, 2009

Your Using You're Wrong!!!

You know what really grinds my gears?

There are a lot of people out there (and you may be included) that still cannot use the words "your" and "you're" correctly and properly!!

People, they are two different words that sound alike, but have very different meanings! Those are called homophones, just like by, bye, and buy. Correct me if I am wrong, but I believe that N*SYNC decided to call their song "Bye, bye, bye," because "By, by, by" would not make too much sense. ("Buy, buy, buy" makes sense, but they are not trying to boost their sales)

Basically, people prefer to just use "your" all the time for ease, as opposed to having to write out an extra letter and even an apostrophe to get to "you're." I know that it is a lot of extra work to write or type out a few extra symbols, but trust me, there is a fine line between ease and laziness.

One of my favorite little ironies of life is when people post status updates and comments on Facebook saying "Your stupid." I am not sure why you need to claim possession of another person's stupid, but your comment only makes you sound stupid.

What I am trying to say is that you should really take time to look at your spelling errors, especially for situations with homophones. "Your" and "you're" may sound alike, but the difference between the two words on paper is the voice of an intelligent person. Neither ignorance nor laziness excuses you from making silly mistakes. If you must write out "you are" for "you're," then please make that a habit. And please, "ur" is never acceptable for "your" or "you're," in any situation.

So I hope that your considering some of you're common spelling mistakes and usage errors. Their are a lot of possible grammar errors out they're, and English teachers are easily willing to take out there red pens to catch those mistakes.

And that is what really grinds my gears.



Beth said...

Ha, Cameron, you make me laugh. And I hope you made the grammar mistakes in the last paragraph on purpose, because other wise you would sound like the idiot.

H. said...

I don't know who the girl above me is, but she needs to learn what irony is too. Or should I say to? Or wait, is it two?

Beyond that, all I can say is "Amen."