Tuesday, November 18, 2008

World's Favorite Sport (America not included)

You know what really grinds my gears?

The portrayal of Soccer, or Football (the international term) here in the United States. I guess I am a little biased, since I have been playing soccer for the past 10 years, but still, it angers me. So here's how this started:

I was watching the local news last Saturday night when it hit me (figuratively). Of course, on Saturday night, what's more important than College Football? So the sports announcer goes through some important games, including some NHL and MLB notables. But at the end, as the closing music plays, the sportscaster briefly and quickly adds that the soccer team from USF had won the Big East Soccer tournament. But he does not mention either the score, who they played, where, what gender, and any other pertinent information.

OK, so let's observe what has happened. Well, basically, once again, soccer was thrown to the wind for other sports. But the question is, why? Soccer is the most popular sport in the entire world, in case you haven't noticed. Pretty much every country plays it, in Africa, Europe, Asia, and I'm sure they've played it on Antartica. The world organization, FIFA, recognizes 208 member countries throughout the world, more than the United nations does. On the other hand, International American Football only has 45 member countries.

Unfortunately, many people have a misguided frame of thought or conscience which tells them soccer is a sissy sport. Where this false notion came from, I do not know. But I can say that soccer sure is a brutal sport. As a referee for nearly four years, I have seen many injuries, from torn ACL's in the blink of an eye or bloody noses. Anyone who says soccer is sissy ought to watch a FIFA match and tell me how sissy it is (i.e. Zinedine Zidane). In football, you get to wear pads and helmets and other protective gear, whereas in soccer, you wear two tiny shinguards. That's it. Not to mention that the game is played for 45 minutes straight, then a 15 minute break, followed by another straight 45 minutes. Football is an hour long game "condensed" into three hours. There are so many breaks, timing doesn't compare.

This is not saying that I hate football. I love college football especially (GO GATORS!) and I watch NFL every Sunday. But I only wish that soccer received more attention in the public eye today. This is why America is shunned and mocked for its soccer programs, because the media ignores it.

And that is what grinds my gears.


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